Vista Insurance
How to make a complaint
We are committed to providing you with a first-class service. However, if you have any reason to be dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, we want to hear from you.
We will make every effort to settle any complaints quickly and fairly. All complaints can be made either verbally or in writing.
In the first instance please get in touch with your usual contact at Vista.
If you prefer to write to us, our address is:
Quality & Compliance
Vista Insurance Brokers Ltd
Windmill Green
24 Mount Street
2nd Floor Industrious
M2 3NX
Our telephone number is 0161 393 7111.
Alternatively, you can email us at:
Following our final decision on a complaint, if you are still not happy, you may have the right (subject to eligibility) to refer your complaint for an independent assessment, within the following six months. You would need to direct this to the Financial Ombudsman Service on 0800 023 4567. Further information can be found at
Full details of our complaint procedure can be provided on request. Your insurer will also operate a complaints procedure, details of which will be found within your policy booklet or summary.